Thursday, December 3, 2015

Soul's Temple and Chennai Flooding

December, 2015 floods in Chennai, India kept coming to my attention more than other natural calamities in last few days.

This is a natural calamity and I wonder what can one do sitting in Mumbai. City is practically cut off from the rest of the world due to flooding, power cut, airport closure, railway disruption, road transport disruption. So many of my friends in Chennai are still not contactable as they have not charged their mobile phones. Some of them have managed to charge their mobile phones through car charger and some of them are sending us reports.

Amidst all the chaos, I am wondering, why my attention is going to Chennai so often. It is not that this the first flooding of its kind... It is not that I have too many close friends and relatives there who are stuck...

Finally a student of mine, Sritha, requested a Soul's Temple Meet for Chennai. Trust holding this online meet was as chaotic as the situation in Chennai, right from the online event creation.

Normally what takes a couple of minutes for me, took more than 20 minutes to create an online event and send invites to others.

Trusted webinar service, which we had used on a daily basis, failed and we could not un-mute the microphone of the participants during the webinar.

We had to notify them the changed setting and still the entire process filtered out several participants.

What transpired in the meet with remaining participants were an eye opener to me personally and would like to share with all of you.

Before that you need to understand some of the principles on which Soul's Temple movement is based:

All that is happening: is happening in this universe with divine soul level sanctioning. If you are witnessing and experiencing something, probably you are doing so for a brilliant reason.

As a principle, we do not think of fixing any thing with Soul's Temple but we align the issue, the problem the incidence or a person to the Soul's Temple Consciousness. If there seems to be an improvement as per the human level perception, well and fine. If no improvement... we leave it to the divine will and 'all that is' with implicit faith that all that is happening is happening with the highest interest of all. We may not be able to know it right now. However, some time in future, in retrospect, the same occurrence will unravel its brilliance.

If it is happening in your universe, you need to address some thing in your inner world. As you heal the inner world, you automatically heal the outer world.

It is the same flood that happened in Chennai... However all in the group meet had different perception to the same. My question to the group was? What touched you in this Chennai flood Story?

The answers were following:

  • Helplessness
  • Lack of control
  • Unfair distribution of resources
  • Chaos
  • Communication disruption
  • Scarcity and lack
  • Uncertainties
  • Alive humanity which reaches out to others in distress
What was observed was eventually a reflection of need to address corresponding aspect in the inner world.

To begin with, we addressed our individual helplessness, Lack of control: the insight that followed was amazing.

    This calamity is a reminder that there is a little that you can control in this life. It is high time we stop trying to control. Simply surrender and take charge instead. The Devastation of this scale often reminds us of need to surrender to the stronger force called nature.

    Flood in Chennai reminded us of Unfair distribution of resources. There is excess of water in certain area and at the same time there are people who are deprived of water and have to manage with scarce... Addressing our own unfairness in application of resources, we realised that what we see in the outer world is the reflection of the inner world... We need to balance out the application of inner resources and reach out to those areas where it is needed... 

    Chaos and Lack of order in the world around could be reflecting the Chaotic situation in the inner world and inner turmoil. We addressed the same with Soul's Temple Self Help Technique and the sense of calmness in all group members prevailed.

    Communication Disruption As we were addressing the issue of communication disruption, we were reminded us of communication disruption with the divine and with the inner world. Some where when the communication with the outer world is disrupted, you automatically turn inwards and communicate with your inner voice... As if disrupted communication is pushing us towards the need to enhance telepathic and soul level communication... Most of us simultaneously got this message. Check your inner voice.. and see if there is a resonance here.

    One of the group members was touched by the help extended. The question is do we need crisis to reach out to others? 

    The strongest and the commonest feeling in the group was the feeling of uncertainty. We are so sure of eternal life and keep working today to secure the future. Calamities like this is a stark reminder of the certainty of uncertainty.  

    The conclusion as a group was:

    • Turn inwards 
    • communicate with the 'self' that you are. 
    • Make peace within. 
    • Let the resources flow in a manner that is required. 
    • Let go of need for control. 
    • Take charge of your life and live this moment fully and completely as we do not know what is lined up for us the very next moment. 
    • Reach out to yourself and reach out to others without waiting for crisis to stimulate the altruist in you.

    How do people in Chennai benefit from the meetings like this?

    Well, the meetings like this may not give them food water and shelter...
    The meetings like this may not give them feeling of 'All is well' 

    However Chennai is Part of our universe. As we heal , we are healing a part of our universe. We are the microcosm. When we address the microcosm, the macrocosm is addressed in general.

    If all of us be at peace with that part of us which got ruffled with external unrest, the collective experience of peace within will eventually radiate to spread the peace in the affected part of the universe. 

    If you are in alignment with the philosophy of the meet and would like to attend similar future meets, Write to us 

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