Monday, May 22, 2017

How to overcome domination and competition with Soul's Temple?

Are you one of those who experiences non-cooperation and completion in your personal and professional life quite often?

Have you tried addressing some of the challenges, offered by people who may appear to be perturbed with your happiness?

Have you ever thought that you could be inviting this attitude somewhere at a subconscious level?

Let us start working with the need for competition, one-upmanship and domination.

To understand the reasons and practical measures to combat the need for competition and domination, you could read a blog on this subject. Click Here to read more.

After reading the blog, now, make a list of reasons why would you invite competition and domination in your space.

Now design your own affirmations based on the set of affirmations given below.

The affirmations which can help you in attracting the co-operation could be:

Recite each affirmation for 7 times every day for 30 days.

Competition in my space is my Soul's Temple
My need to invite competition in my space is my Soul's Temple
My resistance to let go of the competition in my space is my Soul's Temple

My association of the growth with the competition is my Soul's Temple
My need to associate growth with competition is my Soul's Temple
My resistance let go of the association of the competition with the growth is my Soul's Temple

Non-cooperation from others is my Soul's Temple
My need for non-co-operation is my Soul's Temple
My resistance to let go of my need for non-coperation is my Soul's Temple

My Beliefs are my Soul's Temple
My need for these beliefs are my Soul's Temple
My resistance to let go of my beliefs is my Soul's Temple.

To find the right affirmation, write to us on

We will assist you in designing the right affirmation