I have been in the field of healing since years...
Right from homeopathy, Reiki, Pranic Healing, psychic self-defense, Guided meditation, Yoga, Redikall Healing, EFT, EET, Past Life Regression, Hypnotherapy....you name it and I used to learn and practice them. However recently, after I came across these two Magnificent Magic words
My healing practice has taken an interesting turn. This is simpler than you can imagine and yet so profound that you can never imagine... The more I practice the more I discover the magnificence of Soul's Temple with each passing day...
If you are a beginner or a curious reader, let me explain to you how it works:
Identify a problem/Issue you would like to address:
Assess the severity of the problem/Issue on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = No problem/Issue 10 = worse problem or issue.
Affirm The following statement 21 times each... All three statements together or one statement after the other.
Right from homeopathy, Reiki, Pranic Healing, psychic self-defense, Guided meditation, Yoga, Redikall Healing, EFT, EET, Past Life Regression, Hypnotherapy....you name it and I used to learn and practice them. However recently, after I came across these two Magnificent Magic words
If you are a beginner or a curious reader, let me explain to you how it works:
Identify a problem/Issue you would like to address:
Assess the severity of the problem/Issue on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = No problem/Issue 10 = worse problem or issue.
Affirm The following statement 21 times each... All three statements together or one statement after the other.
- This ......... (Pain/Problem/Issue) is my Soul's Temple
- My need for the ......(Pain/Problem/Issue) is my Soul's Temple
- My resistance to let go of this ........(Pain/Problem/Issue) is my Soul's Temple
Re-assess your problem or pain or the issue and give a fresh number on a scale of 0 to 10
One out of the following results expected.
- No difference at all. This is really a rare situation. In this case, be patient and repeat the same statements once again 21 times. Check if you have doubt, benefit or resistance! Ask yourself a question what would happen if you are free from the problem or issue or pain? Address the concern or block in the same way with three basic affirmations highlighted in purple. If you have religious beliefs or atheist beliefs coming in the way feel free to replace the word temple with Mosque, Church, gurudwara or simply with the word Love Some seekers do use word Soul's Love instead of Soul's Temple in the beginning...
- Mild difference: You are doing well. Repeat the same affirmations highlighted in purple 21 times. OR there could be some other layer of emotion or physical discomfort surfacing up. However trivial, they are demanding your attention at the moment. You can now work on the next layer of issues or continue with the original issue, the choice is yours in this case. The presenting issue can be metaphorically compared with a decayed fruit on a tree and the layers can be compared to the twigs, sub-branch or branch and a trunk of the tree... Addressing them will eventually address a decayed fruit in any case.
- Completely fine. If you feel completely fine, that means the issue is either superficial or you are very receptive to the healing process. Before you stop the process make sure there are no deeper layers surfacing up. If you are present to the next layer, address with the help of affirmations highlighted above in purple.
- Feeling Blank: A state, where there is no thought, no feeling, no pain, no problem. In this space, you are likely to get a beautiful insight. If you do not understand the metaphor behind these insights, refer to the upcoming blogs on getting intuitive answers through Soul's Temple
- Feeling sleepy and drowsy: It is a good sign. In fact, we recommend you affirm Soul's Temple Affirmations before going to sleep and sleep with clutter-free state of mind which is calm and peaceful.
- Discharges: You tend to release toxic energies through burps, yawn, gaseous discharges from intestines, deep breath and at times minor running nose or diarrhea. If you have any discharge, know that it is a release process: Allow them to complete a natural course. These discharges rarely make you feel drained or exhausted. However, if you feel weak or debilitated with discharges, take a professional help immediately.
- Mixed Response: e.g. Physical pain, emotional disturbance, itching in a certain body part, discomfort in certain body parts, etc. all surfacing at the same time. Address more predominant response first and rest of the responses are likely to be taken care of.
At times you are so attached to your problems and may not be able to help yourself immediately. OR you may not be able to prioritize your problems, issues etc. If you need assistance from experienced practitioners of Soul's Temple,
They will be very happy to assist you with the right affirmations.
You are my Soul's Temple
This is Aatmn
on behalf of my entire Soul's Temple Team