Monday, May 22, 2017

How to overcome domination and competition with Soul's Temple?

Are you one of those who experiences non-cooperation and completion in your personal and professional life quite often?

Have you tried addressing some of the challenges, offered by people who may appear to be perturbed with your happiness?

Have you ever thought that you could be inviting this attitude somewhere at a subconscious level?

Let us start working with the need for competition, one-upmanship and domination.

To understand the reasons and practical measures to combat the need for competition and domination, you could read a blog on this subject. Click Here to read more.

After reading the blog, now, make a list of reasons why would you invite competition and domination in your space.

Now design your own affirmations based on the set of affirmations given below.

The affirmations which can help you in attracting the co-operation could be:

Recite each affirmation for 7 times every day for 30 days.

Competition in my space is my Soul's Temple
My need to invite competition in my space is my Soul's Temple
My resistance to let go of the competition in my space is my Soul's Temple

My association of the growth with the competition is my Soul's Temple
My need to associate growth with competition is my Soul's Temple
My resistance let go of the association of the competition with the growth is my Soul's Temple

Non-cooperation from others is my Soul's Temple
My need for non-co-operation is my Soul's Temple
My resistance to let go of my need for non-coperation is my Soul's Temple

My Beliefs are my Soul's Temple
My need for these beliefs are my Soul's Temple
My resistance to let go of my beliefs is my Soul's Temple.

To find the right affirmation, write to us on

We will assist you in designing the right affirmation

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Choosing to be Happy with Soul's Temple

Happiness is a choice one has to make. If you keep waiting for a certain set of events or circumstances in order to be happy one fine day... Happiness can keep alluding you for a better part of your life.

No one can stop you from being happy if you wish to be happy and no one can make you happy if you do not choose to be unhappy. Hence it is entirely your choice.

However, after making this choice, one may still find it difficult to remain happy.
There are several reasons for that. However, without going deeper into the reasons behind happiness, you could easily start working to re-discover your happiness in step by step manner.

I mean, re-discover happiness because it is a natural state of being for children. Perhaps in your infancy, you were happier than what you are now. This natural state of happiness gets buried under the pile of acquired layers which only masks your real self.

Let us start designing simple affirmations to re-discover your happiness.

Step No. 1
Recognize and align your state of unhappiness to the Soul's Temple Consciousness.

Affirm the set of following statements for 7 to 21 times.

My unhappiness is my Soul's, Temple.
My need for unhappiness is my Soul's, Temple
My need to cling on to my unhappiness is my Soul's, Temple.

You may start feeling lighter with these statements. And may get in touch with the perceived reason or causative factor for your happiness.

These reasons could be

1) Unhappiness related to a person
2) An unhappiness related to a  situation
3) Unhappiness related the future possibility.
4) Unhappiness due to unknown reasons.

We are going to address each one of them, one at a time. However, let us take one step at a time
The beginning shall happen when you make a choice of being happy.

And the persistence to work your way towards the rediscovery of happiness will give you amazing rewards in the long run.

Let us be happy and make this world a happier place to live.

Keep following my posts. Please leave your comments on this post. We will assist you in leading happier and happier life on an ongoing basis.

You are my Soul's Temple.
This world is my Soul's Temple.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Get answers through Soul's Temple

How to get right answers through Soul's Temple?

You have brilliant answers in your subconscious mind. Not always you have an access to your answers, however simple they may be.

There are several reasons we can not get the answers from our sub-conscious mind
Some of them are:

  • You may not know you can turn within to have an access to your answers from or through your subconscious mind
  • You may not know how to access them
  • You may not be able to infer the language of your subconscious mind
  • You may not be ready to acknowledge the answers e.g. if the answer is the change of residence and you may not be prepared to change the residence.
  • You have learned to rely on external sources to guide you
  • You love to remain in conflict and confusion and use them as an excuse for not moving forward in life 
For each of these attributes, you can use Soul's Temple Self-Help Technique and be self-reliant to get our answers, infer your answers and act in alignment with your answers.

Some of the affirmations that can help you in finding your answers are:

  1. My reluctance to trust my inner guidance is my Soul's Temple
  2. My self-doubt and lack of confidence is my Soul's Temple
  3. Not knowing how to access my answers from my subconscious mind is my Soul's Temple
  4. My unawareness is my Soul's Temple
  5. My inability to interpret the language of my subconscious mind is my Soul's Temple
  6. My unpreparedness to follow my inner guidance and act on them is my Soul's Temple
  7. My tendency to lean on external sources (you can name them) for the guidance is my Soul's Temple
  8. My need to remain in confusion and conflict is my Soul's Temple
  9. My fear of moving forward in life is my Soul's Temple
  10. My questions are my Soul's Temple
  11. Not knowing what is blocking me from getting my answers is my Soul's Temple

Make sure you have no inhibitory blocks in getting and retrieving your answers. Once these blocks are addressed well with the Soul's Temple, now you can use Soul's Temple based affirmations for getting a specific answer.

e.g.  You want to figure out why can't you get up fresh in the morning.
You can use one of the following affirmations or all the affirmations:

  • My difficulty in waking up early in the morning is my Soul's Temple -  affirm for 21 times
  • My need to find it difficult to wake up early in the morning is Soul's Temple -  affirm for 21 times
  • My resistance to wake up early in the morning is Soul's Temple -  affirm for 21 times

  • Not knowing why I find it difficult to wake up early in the morning is Soul's Temple -  affirm for 21 times
  • My need for this unawareness is Soul's Temple -  affirm for 21 times
  • My resistance to get these answers is Soul's Temple -  affirm for 21 times
The thought or a vision or an old memory which surface up during or after saying these statements will give you a further clue.  For e.g. you get present to an old memory where your mother forced you to wake up against your wish and sent you to the school in spite of your protest. Now realize that there is an association of waking up with unpleasantness and force. Now the next set of affirmations for you could be:
  • My unpleasant association with waking up on time is my Soul's Temple  -  affirm for 21 times
  • My need to have these unpleasant associations is my Soul's Temple  -  affirm for 21 times
  • My resistance to let go of these unpleasant associations is my Soul's Temple  -  affirm for 21 times

So as you realise, we not only got the answers but now we have a next layer to work on. While working on the above mentioned affirmations, you come across unpleasantness with the schooling experience or School bus experience, you can address in a similar fashion... e.g.

  • My unpleasant association of waking up on time with mom's scolding and other children's fights in the school bus is my Soul's Temple  -  affirm for 21 times
  • My need to have these unpleasant associations of waking up on time with mom's scolding and other children's fights in the school bus is my Soul's Temple  -  affirm for 21 times
  • My resistance to let go of these associations of waking up on time with mom's scolding and other children's fights in the school bus  is my Soul's Temple  -  affirm for 21 times
So eventually you will realise that you are associating waking up early in the morning with unpleasantness. That is why you do not want to wake up in the morning. 

You have not only got your answer but you have also got an opportunity to resolve your issue.

Getting answers are really easy with Soul's Temple. Try it out. If you have tried it already, please leave your comments here. People will benefit from your comments.

If you find it difficult to design an affirmation, please leave your comments too. We will assist you in designing the affirmations.

So enjoy discovering amazing answers and do share your experiences, the Soul's Temple Way

To know more about Soul's Temple

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How does Soul's Temple Self Help Healing Technique work?

I have been in the field of healing since years...

Right from homeopathy, Reiki, Pranic Healing, psychic self-defense, Guided meditation, Yoga, Redikall Healing, EFT, EET, Past Life Regression, name it and I used to learn and practice them. However recently, after I came across these two Magnificent Magic words


My healing practice has taken an interesting turn. This is simpler than you can imagine and yet so profound that you can never imagine... The more I practice the more I discover the magnificence of Soul's Temple with each passing day...

If you are a beginner or a curious reader, let me explain to you how it works:

Identify a problem/Issue you would like to address:

Assess the severity of the problem/Issue on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = No problem/Issue 10 = worse problem or issue.

Affirm The following statement 21 times each... All three statements together or one statement after the other.

  1. This ......... (Pain/Problem/Issue) is my Soul's Temple
  2. My need for the ......(Pain/Problem/Issue) is my Soul's Temple
  3. My resistance to let go of this ........(Pain/Problem/Issue) is my Soul's Temple
Re-assess your problem or pain or the issue and give a fresh number on a scale of 0 to 10

One out of the following results expected.

  1. No difference at all. This is really a rare situation. In this case, be patient and repeat the same statements once again 21 times. Check if you have doubt, benefit or resistance! Ask yourself a question what would happen if you are free from the problem or issue or pain? Address the concern or block in the same way with three basic affirmations highlighted in purple. If you have religious beliefs or atheist beliefs coming in the way feel free to replace the word temple with Mosque, Church, gurudwara or simply with the word Love  Some seekers do use word Soul's Love instead of Soul's Temple in the beginning...
  2. Mild difference: You are doing well. Repeat the same affirmations highlighted in purple 21 times. OR there could be some other layer of emotion or physical discomfort surfacing up. However trivial, they are demanding your attention at the moment. You can now work on the next layer of issues or continue with the original issue, the choice is yours in this case. The presenting issue can be metaphorically compared with a decayed fruit on a tree and the layers can be compared to the twigs, sub-branch or branch and a trunk of the tree... Addressing them will eventually address a decayed fruit in any case.
  3. Completely fine. If you feel completely fine, that means the issue is either superficial or you are very receptive to the healing process. Before you stop the process make sure there are no deeper layers surfacing up. If you are present to the next layer, address with the help of affirmations highlighted above in purple. 
  4. Feeling Blank: A state, where there is no thought, no feeling, no pain, no problem. In this space, you are likely to get a beautiful insight. If you do not understand the metaphor behind these insights, refer to the upcoming blogs on getting intuitive answers through Soul's Temple
  5. Feeling sleepy and drowsy: It is a good sign. In fact, we recommend you affirm Soul's Temple Affirmations before going to sleep and sleep with clutter-free state of mind which is calm and peaceful. 
  6. Discharges: You tend to release toxic energies through burps, yawn, gaseous discharges from intestines, deep breath and at times minor running nose or diarrhea. If you have any discharge, know that it is a release process: Allow them to complete a natural course. These discharges rarely make you feel drained or exhausted.  However, if you feel weak or debilitated with discharges, take a professional help immediately.
  7. Mixed Response: e.g. Physical pain, emotional disturbance, itching in a certain body part, discomfort in certain body parts, etc. all surfacing at the same time. Address more predominant response first and rest of the responses are likely to be taken care of.
At times you are so attached to your problems and may not be able to help yourself immediately. OR you may not be able to prioritize your problems, issues etc. If you need assistance from experienced practitioners of Soul's Temple, 

They will be very happy to assist you with the right affirmations.

You are my Soul's Temple

This is Aatmn

on behalf of my entire Soul's Temple Team

Soul's Temple and Chennai Flooding

December, 2015 floods in Chennai, India kept coming to my attention more than other natural calamities in last few days.

This is a natural calamity and I wonder what can one do sitting in Mumbai. City is practically cut off from the rest of the world due to flooding, power cut, airport closure, railway disruption, road transport disruption. So many of my friends in Chennai are still not contactable as they have not charged their mobile phones. Some of them have managed to charge their mobile phones through car charger and some of them are sending us reports.

Amidst all the chaos, I am wondering, why my attention is going to Chennai so often. It is not that this the first flooding of its kind... It is not that I have too many close friends and relatives there who are stuck...

Finally a student of mine, Sritha, requested a Soul's Temple Meet for Chennai. Trust holding this online meet was as chaotic as the situation in Chennai, right from the online event creation.

Normally what takes a couple of minutes for me, took more than 20 minutes to create an online event and send invites to others.

Trusted webinar service, which we had used on a daily basis, failed and we could not un-mute the microphone of the participants during the webinar.

We had to notify them the changed setting and still the entire process filtered out several participants.

What transpired in the meet with remaining participants were an eye opener to me personally and would like to share with all of you.

Before that you need to understand some of the principles on which Soul's Temple movement is based:

All that is happening: is happening in this universe with divine soul level sanctioning. If you are witnessing and experiencing something, probably you are doing so for a brilliant reason.

As a principle, we do not think of fixing any thing with Soul's Temple but we align the issue, the problem the incidence or a person to the Soul's Temple Consciousness. If there seems to be an improvement as per the human level perception, well and fine. If no improvement... we leave it to the divine will and 'all that is' with implicit faith that all that is happening is happening with the highest interest of all. We may not be able to know it right now. However, some time in future, in retrospect, the same occurrence will unravel its brilliance.

If it is happening in your universe, you need to address some thing in your inner world. As you heal the inner world, you automatically heal the outer world.

It is the same flood that happened in Chennai... However all in the group meet had different perception to the same. My question to the group was? What touched you in this Chennai flood Story?

The answers were following:

  • Helplessness
  • Lack of control
  • Unfair distribution of resources
  • Chaos
  • Communication disruption
  • Scarcity and lack
  • Uncertainties
  • Alive humanity which reaches out to others in distress
What was observed was eventually a reflection of need to address corresponding aspect in the inner world.

To begin with, we addressed our individual helplessness, Lack of control: the insight that followed was amazing.

    This calamity is a reminder that there is a little that you can control in this life. It is high time we stop trying to control. Simply surrender and take charge instead. The Devastation of this scale often reminds us of need to surrender to the stronger force called nature.

    Flood in Chennai reminded us of Unfair distribution of resources. There is excess of water in certain area and at the same time there are people who are deprived of water and have to manage with scarce... Addressing our own unfairness in application of resources, we realised that what we see in the outer world is the reflection of the inner world... We need to balance out the application of inner resources and reach out to those areas where it is needed... 

    Chaos and Lack of order in the world around could be reflecting the Chaotic situation in the inner world and inner turmoil. We addressed the same with Soul's Temple Self Help Technique and the sense of calmness in all group members prevailed.

    Communication Disruption As we were addressing the issue of communication disruption, we were reminded us of communication disruption with the divine and with the inner world. Some where when the communication with the outer world is disrupted, you automatically turn inwards and communicate with your inner voice... As if disrupted communication is pushing us towards the need to enhance telepathic and soul level communication... Most of us simultaneously got this message. Check your inner voice.. and see if there is a resonance here.

    One of the group members was touched by the help extended. The question is do we need crisis to reach out to others? 

    The strongest and the commonest feeling in the group was the feeling of uncertainty. We are so sure of eternal life and keep working today to secure the future. Calamities like this is a stark reminder of the certainty of uncertainty.  

    The conclusion as a group was:

    • Turn inwards 
    • communicate with the 'self' that you are. 
    • Make peace within. 
    • Let the resources flow in a manner that is required. 
    • Let go of need for control. 
    • Take charge of your life and live this moment fully and completely as we do not know what is lined up for us the very next moment. 
    • Reach out to yourself and reach out to others without waiting for crisis to stimulate the altruist in you.

    How do people in Chennai benefit from the meetings like this?

    Well, the meetings like this may not give them food water and shelter...
    The meetings like this may not give them feeling of 'All is well' 

    However Chennai is Part of our universe. As we heal , we are healing a part of our universe. We are the microcosm. When we address the microcosm, the macrocosm is addressed in general.

    If all of us be at peace with that part of us which got ruffled with external unrest, the collective experience of peace within will eventually radiate to spread the peace in the affected part of the universe. 

    If you are in alignment with the philosophy of the meet and would like to attend similar future meets, Write to us 

    or follow this blog or 

    Join us at

    Story of Soul's Temple

    Story of Soul's Temple
    It was the end of winter in Mid Feb 2013, on my way back from Dharamshala to Mumbai after completing my last assignment with previous organisation, from where I had resigned after giving 6 months notice. I Was feeling liberated and exhilarated with the new shifts on the cards… Had already found a house exactly as instructed by the Masters amidst the mountains. But was not sure about the career front.
    I had always been a career oriented person and not knowing what next on my career plate was quite an alien feeling.
    I boarded the flight from Amritsar with a mild headache in a spot which indicated that there was a feeling of being let down. This is based on Minor chakra knowledge channelling of Redikall Healing… Through my past experience as a healer, metaphysician and a regression therapist, I know that the soul seeks reversal of experience. If I am feeling let down somewhere, I have perhaps let down some one. Understanding that it was a reversal of experience, probably I have let down someone… I meditated and connected to Master Kutumi and his communication to me opened my  eyes or (Perhaps the third eye)… Here I am presenting you the original channelling by Master Kutumi:
    It seems I had let down Master Kutumi
    I asked why? In my mission to spread love to the world
    How do we do that?
    Create a group of people who wants to contribute out of love...
    1) Conduct weekly meetings
    2) Once the stipulated time is over, the doors are closed...(This is perhaps to maintain time discipline)
    3) Members need to carry something of contributory value. e.g. food item and / or a book or   a crystal or a stationery material, an audio CD, etc.
         Instruction: No piracy, no stale food, etc.
    4) You are given 2 envelopes of the same kind and size: 1) Sharing with others and 2) Contribution and offerings:
        These are shared in three parts:
         a) To the Organization
         b) To the Organizer
         c) To the Program Facilitators
    5) We begin by Detox Breathing.
    6) Guided Meditation of the day
    7) Ring Meditation
    8) Group Affirmations like:
         a) I forgive myself for everything across time and space.
         b) I release myself from all oaths, wows and curses across time and space
         c) I learn all that I am here to learn in an easy, effortless and painless manner
         d) I always receive more than I need and contribute all that I can.
         e) I operate out of love, faith and integrity all the time.
         AND SO BE IT.
    8) Group Healing: I see you, I feel you, I acknowledge you... (These are chakra based affirmations)
    9) Gratitude Ceremony
    10) Energizing with Love: Food, Books, Money, Crystals, …
    11) Contribution Form Submission (If any one needed to contribute or needs contribution they can do so here)
    12) Prasad: Take one of the envelopes, take one of the books, crystals …. and take one of the food items.... Learn to be a great receiver... Receive with love and receive with gratitude.... Hug, Hold hands and part quietly with love....
    13) Collect a Healing Card, a Crystal, a Letter of Gratitude or Message: Do not hoard... Pass it on... and contribute to others...
    As I disembarked at Mumbai airport, the only words which kept ringing in my ears were 'Soul's Temple'. I still did not know what to do… When I asked what to do with these words, the only thing told to me was…
    'Soul is here for an experience… Acknowledge…'
    I went to my office to say Hi to Hemant and Madhu… As I prepared to leave the office after saying Hi to both of them, I casually mentioned about the channeling and these words ‘Soul’s Temple’… Madhu had some pain and I simply asked him to affirm that the pain is my Soul’s Temple… and the pain vanished in a few seconds… Hemant tried it out too… Over the next few days both of them went on a pain management spree by helping anyone who had physical aches and pains… While chatting with my friend Sharon Fernandes, we realised that these words ‘Soul's Temple’ are beyond just pain management words.. They help you dig into the soul’s purpose of life… I taught this philosophy to some of the healer friends and students and they reverted with astonishment and excitement… Many of them have stopped using other modalities as their healing method had got greatly simplified. And the number of healing sessions they needed got cut down to almost 1 or at the most two.
    As I started using these words to help people with a variety of issues, I realised that nothing could be simpler than healing with these marvellous healing words… 'Soul's Temple'.
    I decided to start training facilitators to create ripples of transformative shift… But had lot of incomplete projects lined up… Interestingly a lot of volunteers and professionals came forward to help me out so that I could focus more on Soul's Temple Facilitator's  Program and facilitate the facilitator's journey.
    There were quite a few beautiful moments of learning for me personally while training these groups of facilitators… and one of them was… Do not worry about healing others… Just heal that part of you which had the need to see this unhealed issue… We experimented in the group…. If someone had a sense of frustration, each one in the group would only heal that part of themselves which felt frustrated and the feeling of frustration got healed en-mass amongst all the group members including the person who complained of it originally.

    Soul's Temple technique could be combined with Redikall Healing, Redikall Soul Metaplay, EET, Regression Therapy, etc. It also effectively addresses Foreign Energies and the person's need to attract them.

    The journey has been amazing so far…Some of the sessions have been recorded and they have been published. Would love to record some more sessions if any volunteer would like to come forward for the healing.

    There is a paradigm shift in my concept of healing and 'self-help'. It is all about bowing down to the soul's need for experience. This is just a beginning. I will continue sharing more and more insights through my Blog pages. Facebook Page on Soul's Temple and community website:

    As I know for sure…'You are my Soul's Temple'
